The woman with the grey shoulder bag
January 9th, 2020Beeston Tales live

The woman with the grey shoulder bag by Claire Goodey
Last night I performed at Beeston Tales at their new venue the Victory Club, Beeston, Nottingham. Fifty people packed into the Wakefield Room for a brilliant evening of storytelling and folk music. This was a combo with my artist friend Claire Goodey. I told a modern ghost story of the woman with the grey shoulder bag who is haunted by a figure on Google Earth. Claire drew an image of the story and the audience had to guess what it was. The winner received a bottle of wine and an original copy of the drawing!
The main act was Xanthe Gresham in her spectacular show of ‘Dea Reckoning’ depicting the goddesses and heroines for the 13 months of the lunar year click on here
To view Claire Goodey’s art click on here
An audio copy of the story of ‘The woman with the grey shoulder bag’ will follow.